Hurrah! I’m back on the airwaves. And only a few months after the fact have I finally popped the podcast on the website.
Show notes, relevant links, and other descriptions will be coming at a later date. Illness has kept me from achieving my January goal of having all episodes on the website, so for now, it’s just the podcast player itself and the feature image.
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Want to know more about the Organised Biz Village? Open for you to join whenever you’d like, the Organised Biz Village is a place for productivity, accountability, and community. I’d love to see you inside.
E10: Branding and Productivity with Rachel Reiter
There may be bias because Rachel Reiter is the brand stylist genius behind my gorgeous visual branding, but this episode is a must listen for business owners looking to create a cohesive brand and be productive in the process.
E9: Five Tips to Keeping Business Cool in the Silly Season
It might be the silly season, or any other time you want to take a break, but that doesn’t mean you need to bend over backwards to keep your business going. Here’s what I do to take a break and switch off.
E8: Setting Up Your Organised Home with Ange Sibley
For me, an organised home is not about having something ready to show off. It’s about having a (home and) mind free from clutter, it’s about taking care of me (mostly). And yeah, it might be selfish, but is it, really? Take a listen and let me know what you think.