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All episodes of Productivity! with Hollie are available wherever you listen to podcasts (Apple, Spotify, YouTube Music, etc.), and will be uploaded here as soon as my capacity allows. Audio for The Capacity Chronicles coming soon.
Latest Episode
E14: Knowing Your Personal Style with Kamri Hill
There’s no doubt about it, I know my personal style, but I also dress for comfort a lot of the time. Kamri Hill really knows a thing or two about finding your personal style, so if it’s something you struggle with, have a listen.
Productivity! with Hollie
Season 1
Full season available wherever you listen to your favourite podcasts.
Productivity! with Hollie
Season 2
A special guest episode season recorded some time ago, coming 2024/5
The Capacity Chronicles:
Modern capacity musings
Blog posts in the form of audio,
coming Summer 2024/5